Signature Sheets

Traditionally when people retire or leave they are given a framed Signature Sheet.

Printing Instructions

  • Download:

  • Fill it in with the message & person's name that you would like to honor

  • Then email it to FedEx Office ( Ph: (734) 996-0050) for Printing and Delivery.

  • Bond paper is suggested for ease of signing with a variety of different pens.

  • When you are having people sign the signature sheet remind them to sign inside the noted red tinted lines. The outer area is for Matting.

  • If you need to change the logo or the image see the Resource Links below to DoC.

Framing Instructions

  • If you need the Signature Sheet framed. Take the signed signature sheet to Paragon Displays or contact them (ph: (734) 665-3686) to arrange a pickup.

Framing Specifications

  • FrameNielsen (Pewter 1511) 13"x17.25"

  • Mat board (Bainbridge8473) "UMBlue" 13"x17.25" (Mat board will cover outside yellow line, not inside line)

  • 2" matt border

  • Image area is 9" x 13.25"

  • Frame Part Regular Glass 13"x17.25"


FedEx Office is a preferred vendor, they accept short codes and will deliver in Ann Arbor for free. Invoices will come from the vendors. If you didn't receive an invoice when the job was delivered please contact the vendor directly.

Paragon will only accept credit card payment.

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