Brand Colors

Michigan Medicine Color Palette

Color is a vital part of our identity. Using our color palette throughout web and printed materials will retain our visual consistency, which is essential to a strong brand identity.

The University of Michigan’s maize and blue play a vital role in establishing a clear and powerful image and in connecting our Michigan Medicine identity with the University of Michigan.

Using this palette appropriately and consistently creates an additional layer of distinction for Michigan Medicine-branded materials.

What You Will Find on This Page

Below is a list of resources that will give you the ability to download color palettes and view the color builds of the Michigan Medicine color palettes, along with some tips on how you use these colors.

If you have any feedback, please let us know:

Download Color Palettes

Primary Color Palette

Michigan Blue

PMS: 282

CMYK: C100, M60, Y0, K60

RGB: R0, G39, B76

HEX: #00274C


PMS: 7406

CMYK: C0, M18, Y100, K0

RGB: R255, G203, B5


Web Accessible Combinations

Blue: #00274C

Maize: #FFCB05

White: #FFFFFF

Secondary Color Palette

The colors in our supporting palette were chosen to complement our primary palette of maize and blue, providing additional range to the brand experience.

They work well as accent colors, but should never replace the primary palette as the main color(s) of a design.

Tappan Red

PMS: 484

CMYK: C8, M92, Y100, K33

RGB: R155, G39, B22

HEX: #9A3324

Web Accessible Combinations

White: #FFFFFF

Ross Orange

PMS: 1595

CMYK: C0, M71, Y100, K3

RGB: R227, G106, B31

HEX: #D86018

Web Accessible Combinations

Black: #000000

Rackham Green

PMS: 5565

CMYK: C44, M12, Y34, K24

RGB: R120, G152, B141

HEX: #75988D

Web Accessible Combinations

Black: #000000

Blue: #00274C

Wave Field Green

PMS: 398

CMYK: C14, M6, Y100, K24

RGB: R177, G173, B12

HEX: #A5A508

Web Accessible Combinations

Black: #000000

Blue: #00274C

Taubman Teal

PMS: 326

CMYK: C81, M0, Y39, K0

RGB: R0, G181, B174

HEX: #00B2A9

Web Accessible Combinations

Black: #000000

Blue: #00274C

Arboretum Blue

PMS: 660

CMYK: C88, M50, Y0, K0

RGB: R34, G115, B189

HEX: #2F65A7

Web Accessible Combinations

White: #FFFFFF

Matthaei Violet

PMS: 668

CMYK: C70, M77, Y7, K23

RGB: R85, G66, B127

HEX: #575294

Web Accessible Combinations

Maize: #FFCB05

White: #FFFFFF

South U Blue

PMS: 7686

CMYK: C100, M83, Y10, K1

RGB: R36, G71, B146

HEX: #174992

Web Accessible Combinations

Maize: #FFCB05

White: #FFFFFF


PMS: 7502

CMYK: C6, M14, Y39, K8

RGB: R218, G199, B152

HEX: #CFC096

Web Accessible Combinations

Black: #000000

Blue: #00274C

Burton Tower Beige

PMS: 451

CMYK: C21, M15, Y54, K31

RGB: R150, G149, B102

HEX: #9B9A6D

Web Accessible Combinations

Black: #000000

Blue: #00274C

Angell Hall Ash

PMS: PANTONE Warm Gray 6

CMYK: C14, M19, Y21, K39

RGB: R145, G136, B131

HEX: #989C97

Web Accessible Combinations

Black: #000000

Blue: #00274C

Law Quad Stone

PMS: PANTONE Warm Gray 11

CMYK: C26, M36, Y38, K68

RGB: R84, G71, B65

HEX: #655A52

Web Accessible Combinations

White: #FFFFFF

Diag M Metallic

PMS: 872

Puma Black


CMYK: C100, M79, Y44, K93

RGB: R0, G0, B20

HEX: #131516

Web Accessible Combinations

Maize: #FFCB05

White: #FFFFFF

Color Tips

Tips on Using Color in Your Materials

  • Our primary colors are Michigan Maize and Michigan Blue, so start with one or both of these colors when choosing your palette.

  • Use the secondary colors sparingly. Their purpose is to support the primary palette and the use of too many colors can become overwhelming. Choose only one, two or three support colors at a time.

  • Think about your subject matter when deciding on support colors, and choose colors that link your content subject matter to the visual look of the piece.

  • Avoid color combinations that bring other regional universities or colleges to mind.

Color Tips for Professional Printing

Colors will appear differently on each computer monitor, and will vary from monitor to printed piece. Use the CMYK color formulas for print and the RGB or HEX formula for all digital materials.

Accessibility Requirements